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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two - 14 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two - 14 August 2023 - Page 3

Tehran’s oldest tower in awful condition

The 900-year-old Toghrol Tower in Shahr-e Rey, which is the oldest tower in Tehran, is being renovated for the third time.
Based on what experts have said, the shape of this historical site has been massively changed, given the fact that the southern gate of the monument has been wrongly repaired, as a result of which flaws are obvious in its appearance.
An official from the Cultural Heritage Department of Shahr-e Rey gave assurance that the renovation would be undertaken by professional artisans.
However, field researchers reported that manual workers are on this project while under no supervision.
Apparently, the job has been handed to the same contractor who had already received severe criticism for its poor handling of the 2,300-year-old Rashkan Castle in Shahr-e Rey.
The restoration is taking place while dampness had seeped through the interior of the monument, causing the tower to lean.
However, the construction workers are only concerned with the materials necessary to renovate the exterior design, while being oblivious to the interior of the building.
Since the refurbishment is not being done properly, it has raised several questions.
Chairman of the National Committee of Iranian Museums (ICOM) Ahmad Mohit Tabatabaei said that this renovation must be done under the control of the committee.
He suggested that if the Cultural Heritage Organization finds any problems, it should solve it through legal means.
He highlighted that this tomb belongs to Tughril, the Seljuk ruler who died in Shahr-e Rey in 1653 CE.
This is the first time that restoration of a historical work is recorded.
Moreover, there are photos available from pre- and post-renovation of this monument.
“It is better to shift this responsibility to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts, because of their fixed budget” he continued.
He noted, “This tower is the only discovered artwork that dates back to 900 years ago, being the oldest one found in Tehran so far”.

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