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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty One - 13 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty One - 13 August 2023 - Page 4

MKO terrorists planning relocation to Canada: Report

The leaders of the terrorist Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) are making arrangements to relocate their members from Albania to Canada.
The MKO ringleaders have reportedly decided to relocate their base to Canada following the Albanian government’s pressure and after the failure of their negotiations with the Paris government over relocation to France.
An informed security source told Tasnim news agency that the MKO terrorists have come up with the relocation plan after the government of Albania and its counter-terrorism court imposed restrictions on the terrorist group following the discovery of incriminating evidence from their Ashraf-3 camp near Albania’s capital
“The MKO heads are making preparations for the gradual pullout of their members [from Albania],” the source said.
The source noted that the MKO terrorists have failed to obtain France’s consent for the relocation of a number of their elements to a camp in Auvers-sur-Oise on the northwestern outskirts of Paris.
The MKO terrorists have employed their lobbies in the Canadian government, the source noted, adding that arrangements have been made to relocate the MKO elements with temporary Canadian passports or temporary resident permits in Canada in the first step.
Last week, the government of Albania banned Maryam Rajavi, the ringleader of the terrorist MKO group, from entering the country.


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