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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty - 12 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty - 12 August 2023 - Page 8

News in Brief

Iran’s ‘Unseen’ gears up for film festivals

MEHR – The Iranian short film, ‘Unseen,’ directed by the collaborative effort of Mohammadreza Rafiei and Termeh Farahmand Pouya, and written by Mohammadreza Rafiei, has completed its technical stages, preparing for participation in national and international film festivals. ‘Unseen’ is a social drama that underwent two days of filming in Tehran, capturing moments in front of the camera.
The storyline encapsulates the essence of the film: “Parvaneh and her husband have arranged a gathering to mend a family dispute. Yet, reality unveils a different story, forcing Parvaneh to face a tough choice…”
The cast of this production includes Bita Beigi, Marjan Aqanoori, Iman Dabiri, and Siavash Isazadeh.
The completion of technical production marks an exciting step for ‘Unseen,’ as it embarks on a journey to captivate audiences at national and international film festivals, shedding light on its thought-provoking narrative and the talent of its cast and creators.

Renowned linguist Safavi dies at 67

IRNA – Kourosh Safavi, a distinguished Iranian linguist, translator, and vice-president of the Linguistics Society of Iran, passed away at the age of 67.
He was a prominent professor at Allameh Tabataba’i University in Tehran, contributing significantly to the fields of semantics, semiotics, history of linguistics, and the interplay between linguistics and literature.
Born on June 27, 1956, in Tehran, Safavi completed his elementary and secondary education in Germany and Austria before returning to Tehran in 1971.
He pursued studies in German language and literature at the University of Tehran, later transferring to the School of Translation, and ultimately earning his bachelor’s degree in linguistics in 1975.
A prolific writer and translator, Safavi authored numerous influential works in the realm of linguistics, including ‘An Introduction to Linguistics,’ ‘Wandering in the Philosophy of Literature,’ ‘Logic in Linguistics’. Additionally, he translated works by notable linguists and writers like Noam Chomsky, Roman Jakobson, Ferdinand de Saussure, and Jostein Gaarder into Persian.


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