Athletes, environmentalists join forces to cleanse Tehran’s Tochal resort

A collaborative effort between Iranian athletes, environmentalists, Iranian Ski Federation, Tehran Province’s Department of the Environment, and Tochal resort complex has led to a successful cleanup initiative in parts of Tochal resort in northern Tehran. This cultural program, aimed at fostering environmental awareness, took place earlier this week.
During the ceremony, Abbas Nazarian, head of the country’s Ski Federation, stressed that the environment serves as a crucial platform for cultural development across various domains, with particular emphasis on environmental protection, according to IRNA.
“Green marketing, processes, and studies have gained significant attention over the past decade. These initiatives aim to convey an essential message: Earth and its environment require safeguarding – a responsibility shared by individuals from diverse backgrounds,” he said.
With more than 236 active sports federations operating in Iran across various sectors, Nazarian emphasized that each sporting community possesses a unique connection to nature due to their activities’ inherent relationship with it. By leveraging this bond effectively, the sports sector can contribute substantially towards preserving the environment while fostering responsible practices within the society.
Nazarian also revealed that special attention is being given to environmental concerns by including them as major programs within the World Skiing Federation’s agenda for its new term. This focus will extend beyond Iran’s borders, serving as an influential force globally in addressing environmental challenges.
Alireza Rahmati, the deputy director of Tehran Province’s Department of the Environment, stressed the critical importance of mountain ecosystems. He noted that these ecosystems not only provide clean air but also support the strength and survival of cities and villages.
Rahmati further emphasized proper utilization and sincere respect for the natural world when engaging with nature. He highlighted Iranians’ innate love for nature, resulting in the country having a strong environmentalist culture.
“Iran encompasses both the hottest and coldest points on Earth – displaying remarkable climatic and biologic diversity,” Rahmati said, urging citizens and sporting communities to actively participate in preserving the country’s environment, taking advantage of the country’s unique geographic qualities.
Rahmati noted that the popular garbage-free campaign in Tehran Province, which began at the beginning of the year, had received wide acceptance and acclaim.
“With such initiatives gaining momentum, now we see that the environment has become a concern for various segments of society,” he said.
Following a successful cleanup effort in Tochal complex, athletes and environmentalists united to sign a statement affirming their support for nature preservation and environmental protection.


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