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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty - 12 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty - 12 August 2023 - Page 4

Diplomacy a safer ...

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Simultaneously, certain Israeli officials confided to the New York Times that this prisoner exchange deal is part of a broader arrangement between Iran and the US, encompassing matters relating to nuclear affairs and regional developments. However, this was refuted by the US secretary of state, who asserted that the prisoner swap was devoid of any linkage to the nuclear issue.
The method of utilizing the newly-released assets of Iran has also generated contention and debate. The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has, nonetheless, emphasized that “the modality of employing these released financial resources and assets is within the purview of the Islamic Republic of Iran and are earmarked for the country’s diverse needs, as determined by competent authorities”.
Divergent accounts and varying interpretations of the agreement were not unexpected, particularly given the involvement of two historically non-diplomatic entities, Iran and the United States. Their lack of diplomatic ties over four decades underscores the complexity of such a deal.
Of greater significance than these marginal issues is securing respective national interests by Tehran and Washington. It is crucial to note that the pathway to realizing these gains has been through dialogue and diplomacy. Although protracted, these talks have ultimately yielded either complete or partial satisfaction for both parties involved. The success of this diplomatic feat transpires against a backdrop of ongoing pronounced differences between Iran and America across a multitude of issues and mutual reproaches and allegations that persisted over the past two years.
Amidst this environment of continual disagreements and fluctuating tensions, the prisoner exchange deal imparts a significant lesson. It underscores that diplomacy, albeit time-taking, stands as a more reliable and less costly avenue for securing benefits. According to some experts, this agreement could serve the dual purpose of mitigating and confining tensions between the two parties while also fostering further dialogues on other contentious subjects, including the nuclear issue and the lifting of US sanctions on Iran.
However, it is prudent for both Iran and the United States to exercise caution in the face of potentially destabilizing actions and maneuvers undertaken by certain political factions and states. Such entities may harbor vested interests in stoking tensions between Tehran and Washington. It is imperative to remain vigilant and resolute in ensuring that the path of diplomacy remains unobstructed until an opportune juncture for discussions regarding sanctions and the nuclear issue presents itself.
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