Vietnam speaker discusses hitting $2b trade with Iran

During his official visit to Tehran, Chairman of Vietnam’s National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue discussed ways to reach the target $2 billion bilateral trade with top Iranian officials, including the president, and business representatives of the two sides.
He urged working groups to step up their operations, emphasizing that the two countries have signed many agreements on double taxation avoidance, judicial assistance, and customs, along with memoranda of understanding on technology and education, Vietnam news agency reported.
On Wednesday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi expressed his regret to Speaker Hue that the commercial and economic relations between Iran and Vietnam have not advanced as far as their diplomatic ties have.

“Development of our relations may not sit well with some governments,” Raeisi said, adding, “What matters, however, is [the adoption of] effective steps towards the fulfillment of the interests of the two countries and nations.”
The Vietnamese top parliamentarian expressed interest on the part of his country in the expansion of Hanoi’s interaction and cooperation with Tehran, according to Press TV.
Within the first two days of Hue’s three-day visit to Iran, the two sides have reached more cooperation documents, covering collaboration between the legislative bodies, plant and animal quarantine, culture, and education, among other fields.
Vietnam’s Chairman of the National Assembly attended a business forum on Wednesday, which was hosted by the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA). A 70-member delegation comprised of representatives from the Southeast Asian country’s companies active in various sectors also attended the event to get to know their Iranian counterparts and discuss business opportunities.
Addressing the forum, Hue suggested Vietnam and Iran remove obstacles to raising their bilateral trade in the near future and continue perfecting legal frameworks to facilitate the operations of their businesses and investors.
The Vietnamese legislature has been making all-out efforts to consolidate its legal system and untangle knots for foreign investors in the country, the NA Chairman affirmed, hoping that the Vietnamese and Iranian legislatures will work together to supervise the implementation of the documents.


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