News in Brief

‘Unilateralism taking last breaths’

PRESS TV – Iran’s deputy foreign minister for political affairs said more and more countries are joining multilateral international organizations, like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as a result of the declining influence of unilateralism.
During a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergey Ryabkov on Monday, Ali Bagheri-Kani highlighted the growing global trend of joining international economic mechanisms belonging to the multilateralism front, including the SCO and the BRICS group.
“This is the outcome of the waning of international mechanisms belonging to the unilateralism front,” he argued.

Iran-Russia military
cooperation to continue: Ryabkov

MEHR – Deputy Russian foreign minister said that the military cooperation between Iran and Russia will continue despite the enemies’ opposition, adding that Russia is committed to cooperation with friendly countries like Iran.
Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of the high-level conference dubbed “Iran and BRICS” on Tuesday, Sergey Ryabkov said that the “legitimate” and “very substantial” cooperation between Iran and Russia will continue despite all attempts by enemies of Iran and Russia to disrupt and derail that cooperation.

Iran hosts
conference ...

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Also speaking at the Tehran conference, Anil Sooklal, South Africa’s ambassador-at-large for Asia and BRICS, noted that BRICS was formed to promote international cooperation.
“We want to work for the Global South and the good of humanity.”
The BRICS group of fast-developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — is often seen as an alternative to Western economic and political hegemony. It accounts for 42% of the global population and about 26% of the world’s economy, according to the South Africa-based Institute for Security Studies.
Iran is among dozens of countries that seek membership in BRICS, and has submitted a formal application to join the body.


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