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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Seven - 08 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Seven - 08 August 2023 - Page 4

News in Brief

Raeisi marks Journalist’s Day – Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi expressed appreciation for the efforts of journalists in portraying the progress and measures taken in the country on Monday, on the occasion of the national Journalist’s Day – August 8.
During his visit to the IRIB headquarters, Raeisi described the role of the media as very effective and important.

Tehran rebukes British claims against IRGC

PRESS TV – Iran has chided British Home Secretary Suella Braverman for leveling accusations against the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), saying the UK is in no place to make such “baseless” claims against the anti-terror force.
“The UK is not in a position to make accusations against the IRGC, with the UK’s dark history in West Asia, which has caused deep instability in the region, as well as its role in covert and overt support of terrorism,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said at a weekly press briefing in Tehran on Monday. The remarks came after a source close to Braverman alleged that the threat from the IRGC was now the biggest security risk facing

Denmark’s envoy summoned

TASNIM – Danish ambassador to Tehran Jasper Vahr was summoned by Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in protest at the desecration of the Holy Qur’an in the Scandinavian country.
“This morning, Denmark’s ambassador to Tehran was summoned... to the Foreign Ministry to protest against the repeated acts of desecration of the Holy Quran,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said at a press conference on Monday.
“He has been asked to immediately convey Iran’s protest to his government,” Kanaani said, adding that Iran expects Denmark to take responsible measures that would prevent the recurrence of such sacrilegious acts.


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