US calls Israeli ...

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The Israeli attacks ranged from direct assaults on Palestinian people, vandalism of property, razing lands, storming villages, uprooting trees and seizing property.
The commission further noted that most of the 897 attacks were carried out in the occupied Al-Quds with 148 cases, followed by Nablus with 140 and Al-Khalil with 113 attacks, the Palestinian WAFA news agency reported on Sunday. The commission also pointed out that Israeli settlers conducted 202 attacks in various parts of the occupied West Bank, but mainly in Nablus, Ramallah and Ramallah.
The monthly report goes on to underline that 139 orders for demolition, stop construction, and evacuation of Palestinian facilities were issued by the Israeli regime in July, describing them as “a record rise that warns of many more demolitions in the next period.”
The occupation forces demolished 41 homes and commercial structures, mainly in Al-Khalil and Al-Quds, the commission said, adding that Israeli forces and Zionist settlers also vandalized a total of 2,552 trees by cutting and uprooting them, mainly in Nablus.

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