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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Six - 07 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Six - 07 August 2023 - Page 3

Qeshm Island’s underground caves

Qeshm Island, a geological treasure trove, boasts a multitude of underground caves that are waiting to be explored. These natural wonders, formed over thousands of years, present a unique opportunity for adventure and learning.
Namakdan cave
Venture into one of the longest salt caves globally, stretching over six kilometers in length, Namakdan Cave offers a surreal and captivating experience like no other. This fascinating cave showcases a dazzling array of salt formations, stalactites and stalagmites that have taken shape over millennia, creating a landscape that resembles a crystal wonderland, wrote.
As you explore the cave’s chambers, you’ll encounter various unique formations that have been shaped by the slow deposition of salt minerals over thousands of years. These formations come in all shapes and sizes, from delicate, icicle-like stalactites hanging from the ceiling to massive, pillar-like stalagmites rising from the cave floor. In some areas, the stalactites and stalagmites have grown together, forming breathtaking columns that bridge the gap between the ceiling and the floor.
The otherworldly environment of the Namakdan Cave is a product of geological processes that have been at work for millions of years. The cave was formed by the gradual dissolution of the surrounding salt rock by infiltrating water. Over time, the water carved out an extensive network of passageways and chambers, leaving behind the intricate salt formations that we see today.
As you navigate through the cave’s labyrinthine corridors, you’ll also notice fascinating patterns and textures on the walls, floors, and ceilings. These are the result of water movement and mineral deposition, which create swirling designs and undulating surfaces that add to the cave’s mystique.
Visiting Namakdan Cave is not only a visually stunning experience, but it also offers a unique opportunity to learn about the geological processes that have shaped this remarkable subterranean world.
Chahkooh canyon and caves
A geological marvel, Chahkooh Canyon boasts a series of underground caves, passageways and natural wells. As you navigate through the narrow passages, marvel at the striking rock formations that have been shaped by wind and water erosion.
Dark canyon cave
Explore the lesser-known but equally fascinating Dark Canyon Cave, near the village of Tabl. Delve into the depths of this hidden gem and be captivated by the cave’s enchanting beauty, characterized by its unique rock formations and underground streams.
Tips for a successful Qeshm Island cave tour
Safety first: Ensure you have appropriate footwear and clothing for exploring the caves, as well as a helmet and headlamp for your safety.
Stay hydrated: Bring plenty of water to stay hydrated during your adventure, as the climate can be hot and dry.
Capture the moment: Don’t forget your camera to capture the incredible sights you’ll encounter on your tour.
Respect the environment: Help preserve these unique ecosystems by following the guidelines provided by your tour guide and practicing the ‘Leave No Trace’ principle.


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