Iran, Pakistan call for further cooperation in tourism

Iran and Pakistan called for more efforts to expand cooperation between the two neighboring countries in tourism.
On Friday, Iran’s Minister of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Ezzatollah Zarghami and Pakistani President Arif Alvi held a meeting in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad.
During the meeting, the two sides committed to improve cultural relations between the countries, especially in the tourism field.
In a statement, the office of Pakistan’s president said both officials expressed their shared desire to strengthen cultural and people-to-people ties between the two nations.
President Alvi said that Pakistan highly values its relationship with Iran, which is based on historical, cultural, and religious ties.
The Iranian minister traveled to Pakistan to attend a tourism meeting of the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation.
Meanwhile, a Pakistani tourism brand called “Salaam Pakistan” was unveiled in a ceremony attended by Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Zarghami.


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