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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023 - Page 7

Iran ranks first in computer game production in region

Gaming industry is one of the most exciting technological industries because of its importance to culture, entertainment and technological advancement.
There were about 23 million video game players in Iran as of 2015. And by 2023 this number has increased to about 32 million, according to Press TV.
The average age of players in Iran has reached 23 years while this number in US is 33 years which shows that gaming is getting more and more popular among Iranian families, according to Eco News.
While the gaming industry is booming worldwide, expected to be worth $321 billion by 2026, it is time to formally recognize it as a career choice in Iran, beyond the realms of fun and recreation since video games are among the most popular hobbies of Iranian youth.
Managing Director of Iran Computer and Video Games Foundation Mohammad-Amin Haji-Hashemi said that based on the studies carried out by Tabriz Islamic Art University, Iran ranks first in the region and 18th in the world in terms of computer games production.
“Iran has made a significant progress in the field of producing computer over the past years,” he stated.
“We are making efforts to organize an event in which Iranian game producers and their sponsors can cooperate with one another and commercialize their products more easily,” he added.
Haji-Hashemi continued that although economic sanctions imposed on Iran have created many problems for Iranian video game developers and prevented the country’s gamers from playing some foreign games, fruitful developments have been taken place thanks to efforts made by Iranian knowledge-based companies in the field of producing mobile and computer games.
“Attempts are made to prepare condition for Iranian companies involving in the production of computer games to cooperate with their foreign counterparts,” he concluded.


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