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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023 - Page 5

Chabahar Free Zone is a safe investment location for Pakistanis

By Syeda Tafseer Fatima
Researcher and scholar
For the investors of any country in the world, the protection of capital and its growth is of the greatest importance for the capitalist, while the protection of capital is connected with security and the rule of law, the rule of law and security throughout Iran is ideal, but the facilities for foreign investors are lacking. There is still a lot of work to be done to provide, however, the government of Iran has established free zones throughout the country for domestic and foreign investors, where special rules have been made for foreign investors through which not only foreign investors can get Iran’s capital protection, but the Iranian government has obliged the banks to ensure faster capital supply for real investment. The distance between Iran’s Chabahar Free Zone and the world-class Gwadar port in Pakistan is only 206 km. Kilometers, 24-hour supply of electricity and gas, cheap electricity and gas in addition to 300%

reduction in petroleum products reduce the price of products due to which investors in Iran’s free zones can easily compete in the global market competition situation. The weather and climate and the lifestyle of the local people are common features that will increase the returns of Pakistani investors.
The city of Chabahar, with an area of about 17,150 square kilometers and a population of over 200,000, is located on the open waters of the Gulf of Oman at the southernmost point of the province of Sistan and Baluchistan.
Chabahar is located at the closest distance to the Indian Ocean, while Chabahar is Iran’s only sea port, the deep water strategic position of Chabahar port and the natural structure have made space for jetties, the depth of sea water is suitable for berthing of large ships. India has developed the necessary technical facilities, due to which this port has the potential to be transformed into a mega port. When Pakistan faced internal and external challenges in terms of construction, there were

obstacles in the development of this port city, then India suspended the construction of Chabahar Port on the pretext of American sanctions, which caused a coldness in the relations between Iran and India. Now the complete construction of Chabahar Port has been included in China’s Road and Build project.
It should be noted that Chabahar port will be the eastern transit gate of Iran in the near future and Chabahar Free Zone has been created as a strategic region for the global transit industry, a distinctive feature of other southern coastal areas of Iran and even the Persian Gulf states. Considering all the above-mentioned facts, the special geographical position of the southeastern part of Iran, especially  the Chabahar Free Zone and the port, is of great importance for the development of the region, not only Iran, but also neighboring and Economic relations with the countries of Central Asia will be promoted, Chabahar’s prominent and natural location will help in increasing trade in the region, while the facilities provided by the Chabahar Free Trade Zone organization will attract capital from the

world and especially Pakistan. It will be very attractive for the owners, Pakistani investors can take the most advantage of the rapid development of Chabahar, due to this, the end of the deprivations of the Baloch on both sides, economic development, access to international markets, job opportunities will be available. Chabahar’s limited population and the absence of industrial workers will be a golden opportunity for skilled workers from Karachi to Gwadar. If Pakistani investors set up industries in chahbahar, the migration of local artisans will be facilitated, which will increase Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves. , Pakistani industrialists can increase their exports from Chabahar a hundredfold due to cheap electricity and transportation
The only Iranian seaport with the capacity to anchor ships and the presence of warehousing and value-add facilities is an excellent opportunity for investors, mostly Chinese and Indian, to connect Central Asia and Afghanistan with open seas. It is the shortest route, the shortest transit route to the countries in the east of Iran, Afghanistan,

Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, having extensive marine resources and facilities for nurturing aquatic life.
  Being connected with roads, energy and telecommunication infrastructure and railway lines are some of the features of Chabahar Free Zone.
According to the United Nations Transport Survey, about 50% of the global transport of goods takes place in the Far East, two transport corridors pass through Iran, the world’s major cities including Karachi, Bin Qasim, Calcutta, Nikpur, It covers transportation in Jaipur, Hyderabad and finally reaches Chabahar. According to experts, Chabahar port is the crossroads of South-North and East-West corridors around the world. Investing in India can earn more returns than any other country.


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