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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023 - Page 4

Why regional security is on the agenda of Iran and Pakistan?

Terrorism card game

A look at the functioning of terrorist groups in Pakistan for governments, regional and extra-regional intelligence services

A few days after the terrorist attack on the bus carrying IRGC border guards in February 2017, the government of Pakistan published a list of terrorist groups based in the country.
A list of 74 armed groups, a large number of which have taken refuge in the fertile region of Balochistan, which indicates a dangerous and unacceptable situation in this region;
Some of these groups consider Iran as the target of their actions, and as mentioned, Afghanistan, India, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan are their next destinations. In order to understand the policy and functions of these groups, in addition to categorizing and analyzing their nature, their support structure should be sought at a level beyond the region.
Organizations such as the Central Intelligence Agency of America (CIA), England’s Secret Intelligence Service MI6 and the intelligence services of some governments in the region are traditionally focused on the region, and recently the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Zionist regime (Mossad) has made many movements in the eastern regions of Iran. It has had traces that could be recognized in the terrorist attacks on the Islamic Republic’s border guard between May and July of this year.
It is not possible to introduce all the terrorist groups based in Pakistan and even only the groups whose target is Iran; In summary, it is mentioned that for the ease of recognizing and identifying the nature of these groups, they can be considered under a three-fold structure; These groups follow the three discourses of ethnic nationalism, religious excommunication and Marxism.
The life of these groups should be considered through the aesthetic reinterpretation of their social, cultural, security and economic structures. From a social point of view, we should mention the mafia-like tribal structure of these groups under a pyramid of power, which is the connection between the daily fabric of the tribe and the life of the mafia. are taken and managed under the authority of a person at the top of the pyramid.
The main means of information and psychological warfare of these groups also takes place on the platform of Telegram. The financing of these groups is mainly done through cultivation, distribution and smuggling of drugs and goods, as well as hostage-taking, banditry, and receiving money from foreign governments. Children and students, with the permission of the leaders of these groups, are defined from childhood as soldiers with guns ready to commit suicide and a tool to earn money.
Another important point regarding the existence of armed terrorist groups in Pakistan is that these groups, in addition to terrorist operations in the territory of other countries and imposing costs on those areas, have caused heavy damage to Pakistan itself and apart from the death of tens of thousands of people. According to the government of Pakistan, only up to 2011, the country imposed 68 billion dollars in economic costs to the government, which has increased significantly since 2001 and the presence of the American military under the pretext of fighting terrorism after the September 11 incident.
Recently, a joint meeting was held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support in Tehran between Deputy Minister of Defense Sardar Seyyed Mehdi Farhi and Lt. Gen. Hammoud Zaman Khan, Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense of Pakistan, in which both sides emphasized on ways to deal with separatist groups and border criminals.
Along with the expansion and deepening of Iran-Pakistan relations, especially the development of economic relations as a basis for creating stable security and joint security cooperation, it is valuable to have a serious will to completely remove the Western intelligence services, especially the American and Zionist services, from the national security cycle of Pakistan. This approach blocks the ways of financial and information support for these groups, and from this point of view, it should be considered as a serious step by the government of Pakistan to fight terrorism and border evil.
Serious and practical monitoring of some schools and preventing the spread of Wahhabi takfiri thinking is another important step that provides a basis for creating stable security in the region.
Historically, re-reading England’s sectarian policy in India and Pakistan and creating differences between these groups can be very useful in informing the public opinion of Iran and the subcontinent region. It is necessary that there should be a strategic approach to the issue of the role of the Royal Court of England in dominating the subcontinent and the differences between Islamic sects, and this historical process of colonization should be read from different cultural, historical, economic, political and security angles. Overseas media arms can play an important role in representing the true image of British colonialism.

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