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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Four - 05 August 2023 - Page 2

IRGC holds drills in Persian Gulf in defense of triple islands

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy launched drills to show its power and combat defense readiness in protecting the security of the Persian Gulf as well as the country’s islands.
The exercises kicked off in Abu Musa Island on Wednesday with the presence of local authorities as well as a group of military commanders and officials, including IRGC Chief Commander Major General Hossein Salami and IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali-Reza Tangsiri.
It involves operational combat, vessel, missile, drone, air-sea, electronic warfare and rapid response units, along with Basij volunteer forces, Press TV reported.
Brigadier General Ali Ozmaei, commander of Imam Muhammad Baqir operational base of the IRGC Navy, said that the vessels of Martyr Hojaji Special Unit, equipped with missiles with a range of 600 kilometers, were present in the drills to defend the island’s territory.
In addition to missile- and rocket-launching vessels, helicopters and aircraft took part in the maneuvers, during which 50 paratroopers successfully performed a heliborne operation, he noted.
“One of the important features of the drills was the use of drones and unmanned vessels that were upgraded through artificial intelligence,” the commander said.
“Another feature of the exercises was the transfer of troops from the mainland to Abu Musa Island and the Greater Tunb in less than 15 minutes using helicopters and airplanes.”
He further warned that trans-regional countries have no place in the Persian Gulf and that they should leave the region.

Qadir, Fath missiles unveiled

During the drills, the Qadir cruise missile system and the Fath ballistic missile were unveiled and added to the IRGC naval fleet.
Addressing the event, General Salami said his forces always strive for the security and peace of the country.
He also said the Iranian nation gives decisive responses to all threats and seditions against the country.
For his part, Rear Admiral Tangsiri said that the Persian Gulf belongs to all regional countries, and his forces will spare no effort to protect Iran’s territorial integrity.
“The Persian Gulf islands are a sparkling jewel that will shine forever on the water and soil of our Islamic homeland,” he said of the three islands of Abu Musa, the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, whose ownership has been disputed by the United Arab Emirates.
He said the security of the Persian Gulf region is the common interest of all Persian Gulf countries.

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