Iran eyes developing trade ties with African states: Deputy minister

Iran attaches great importance to developing trade and economic relations with African countries, a deputy foreign minister said.
Speaking at the first gathering of Iran trade centers overseas on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Mehdi Safari stated that the administration of President Ebrahim Raeisi has prioritized increasing trade and economic ties with neighboring and regional states, reported IRNA.
The development of trade and economic ties with African and Latin American countries is of paramount importance for Iran and has been put at the top of the agenda of the current administration, he said.
Iran enjoys high potential in exporting technical and engineering services to other countries, he added.
Safari pointed to Iran’s privileged situation for exporting products to African countries and emphasized that an appropriate balance should be created between imports and exports with the aim of expanding trade ties.
Turkey has accounted for a $30 billion share of the African market, while Iran can increase its share from the lucrative market of Africa as well, he added.


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