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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three - 01 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three - 01 August 2023 - Page 4

What plans does FDD’s Jewish CEO have against Iran?

Dubowitz syndrome!

Who is Mark Dubowitz?
Mark Dubowitz is the Jewish CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is an expert on Iran’s nuclear program and is known as one of the key influencers in shaping policies to counter Iran. He also participates in the China program due to his work experience in the Indo-Pacific and his academic background. He is one of the most important commanders of the economic war against Iran. During the Trump administration, many of his ideas in line with maximum economic pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran were implemented by Donald Trump. In 2015, he and his colleagues made more than 20 trips to European countries, the Middle East and the Persian Gulf to talk with government officials, banks, economic activists and businessmen about the risks of restarting trade with Iran. In 2019, the Iranian government sanctioned him and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, calling them “the designing and implementing arm of the US government” regarding Iranian policy. According to the joint statement of the Ministry of Intelligence and the Intelligence Organization of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, in 2022, he and the foundation under his management played a key role in organizing the rebellions against the Islamic Republic of Iran.
foundation's main actions against Iran
The activities of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy have a special focus on Iran, which operates under the title “Iran Program”. The Defense of Democracy Foundation says at the beginning of the “Iran Program” that it started this work to educate political and public associations of people abroad about the activities of Iranian branches.
The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is one of the important think tanks that played a key role in the field of international politics during Trump’s presidency. It can be said that part of the intensification of economic sanctions and the application of crippling economic sanctions during the Trump era was the result of the decision-making of this think tank.
To carry out a campaign of maximum pressure against the authorities, the Trump administration cut off the access of all Iranian banks to the world banking system, which includes access to SWIFT, and especially to transactions in the euro, the European currency, by implementing this foundation’s plan. The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, led by Dubowitz, has been announced as one of the architects of sanctions and the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA during Trump’s era.
In 2011, they planned to sanction the Central Bank and Iran’s oil sector, in 2012, they tried to create problems for the movement of money in Iran. In recent years, there have been anti-Iranian research and actions regarding the JCPOA defects and the consequences of Iran’s connection to SWIFT.
Apart from the role of the director of this foundation, Mark Dubowitz, “Richard Goldberg”, the senior advisor, in cooperation with the US Department of State, has played an influential role in the Iran oil embargo process. Based on this performance, Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs put the American Foundation for the Defense of Democracies on its sanctions list. The important members of this foundation were among the most important senior advisers of [the US ex-president] Obama and Trump’s policies and also during the presidency of Biden regarding Iran. One of the interesting points that can be seen in the recommendation of the foundation’s solutions to the United States is the pressure on the European Union by the US to implement the package proposed by this foundation, and this shows the pressure level of Zionism in European policies.

Important headings of some prescriptions

 Opposition to the revival of the JCPOA agreement with Iran
 Opposition to any increase in trade between Iran and Türkiye
 to impose sanctions on the IRIB
 Trying to isolate the Islamic Republic politically by excluding or condemning the Islamic Republic in the international arena and at the same time putting pressure on the allies to cut off or reduce bilateral diplomatic relations.
 Providing protesters with security information about Iran’s security forces
 Disruption in key industries such as oil, gas, petrochemical, and financial sectors to provoke dissatisfaction and general labor strike, especially in strategic sectors of Iran.
 President Biden and other high-ranking officials should strongly embrace traditional and social media to strengthen and maintain their support for the Iranian people and remind demonstrators that the government stands by them.
 Supporting ethnic minorities to rebel against the Islamic Republic (with a special focus on Azarbaijan and Arabs in Khuzestan) and trying to network with groups in neighboring countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Iraq.

Which country will be the next?

The issues explained here about Iran can be used against any other country by the FDD to ensure the interests of the US and Israel anyway. The “Iran program” is only one of the many projects of the foundation; and various measures may be adopted by the foundation against any other country one day; What we call Dubowitz syndrome! Therefore, the political authorities of the countries must be aware of the behind-the-scenes policy-making in the United States about other countries and recognize their true nature.

Some major issues on FDD's Iran Program desk

Iranophobia in the world
It makes suggestions regarding Iran’s overseas activities and takes steps to counter its influence in the world, especially in the region, West Asia, China, Latin America, and currently Russia.

Human rights in Iran
Under the pretext of human rights violations, it provides solutions for comprehensive intervention through proposals to US policies and international organizations.

Iranian missiles
In recent years, Iran’s missile system has become a threat against America’s hegemonic policies in the world with its comprehensive growth. Due to the riskiness of this industry for America and the Zionist government and the creation of deterrence, this foundation also puts forward suggestions to deal with its development.

Nuclear Iran
In recent years, Iran’s missile system has become a threat to US policies with its comprehensive growth. Due to the riskiness of this industry and the creation of deterrence, the foundation also makes suggestions to deal with its development.

Economic policy
Another function of the foundation is to put pressure on the country’s activities both domestically and internationally. They impose economic terrorism on the country to limit economic activities and reduce Iran’s revenues, most of which are applied in the form of a package of sanctions.

Latin America
Latin America is the US’ backyard. Therefore, Iran’s political influence in the LatAm states and Iranian officials’ visits to these countries are considered a warning for the US. The Foundation tries to suggest ways to curb Iran’s actions.

Iran's influence in the region
The resistance groups in the West Asian region have been an obstacle to the US’  war goals. Since Iran is considered the pole and center of gravity of these groups, the foundation tries to challenge Iran’s performance in the entire region and isolate Iran’s policies with proposals.



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