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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three - 01 August 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty Three - 01 August 2023 - Page 3

Badab-e Surt springs, a natural wonder in Mazandaran Province

The wonderland of Iran has an infinite number of offers for travel lovers. Ranging from the most ancient historical sites to amazing natural wonders, the country is a unique destination for all types of travelers.
On a single trip you can enjoy history and culture as well as amazing natural attractions of the country. One of the less-known astonishing wonders of Iran are the terraced hot springs of Badab-e Surt, located in the northern province of Mazandaran, wrote.
Badab-e Surt is a rare geological masterpiece formed during the Pleistocene and Pliocene epochs. Only a handful of such places exist in the world. A similar natural wonder has already been lost.
This site was crafted by nature after two different mineral hot springs spent thousands of years sending water bubbling down the mountain from over 6,000 feet above sea level. When the water cooled, it left behind its carbonate minerals in a jelly-like substance that eventually hardened to give the slope its current staircase shape.
Due to the high level of minerals such as iron oxide existing in these hot springs, a unique and colorful stepped terrace has emerged that adds to the beauty of this natural site.
Badab in Persian means gassed water, and Surt is the name of the nearest village.
This sedimentary rock has been created over thousands of years, and as the water flows down, the heavier minerals settle down and water becomes clearer. As a result, a mirror-like surface has been generated and each little pond reflects the color of the sky.
That’s the reason why it is advisable to visit Badab-e Surt during sunrise and sunset. As the color of the sky changes, the site, too, shifts colors and a dreamy landscape appears.
When you reach the terraces, you will have an amazing view of the site along with the mountains surrounding it. As Badab-e Surt is located off the beaten track, you may see only a few visitors and, if you’re lucky, no visitors at all! So, you can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this unguarded site.
Remember that you don’t have to pay for visiting Badab-e Surt; it is free to explore it, although we suggest you to take care of this amazing natural attraction and help to preserve it in its natural state.
The best time to visit Badab-e Surt would be around April and May, when you can enjoy the scenery created by lush green mountains surrounding the terraces. However, it is also possible to visit the site in other seasons, even during the coldest days of winter.
Badab-e Surt can be a bit tough to get to, nonetheless, it is a place worth seeking out. The journey there requires winding along isolated roads and stretches of unpaved mountain passes. It is recommended that you get help from a local guide.

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