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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty One - 30 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty One - 30 July 2023 - Page 2

US threatens Kenya over links to Iran

The administration of US President Joe Biden warned that Washington’s allies, especially Kenya, will face a “reputation risk” and potential isolation from lucrative deals in case of having links to Iran and Russia.
Brian Nelson, the US Treasury’s undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, raised the alarm in a meeting with Kenya’s President William Ruto on Friday, Press TV reported.
“Iran and Russia are isolated economically, and either they are looking for partners or they are looking for new channels to have economic relationships,” Nelson claimed.
He, however, stressed that by doing so, the US was not in any way interfering with the bilateral ties of either Kenya or any other country.
“We are not going to provide a view on the bilateral relationship between Kenya and any other country in the world as that is for Kenya to decide,” said Nelson in an interview with TheEastAfrican.
The Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi held talks with his counterparts in Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe earlier this month and signed a total of 21 documents on cooperation in different areas.

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