Iran, Malaysia sign MoU to boost agro cooperation

Iran and Malaysia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance bilateral cooperation in agriculture, especially in the field of research and education.
The MoU was signed in a ceremony attended by Iran’s Deputy Agriculture Minister Mojtaba Khayyam-Nekuei and Malaysian Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Mohamad Sabu, IRNA reported.
Establishing a joint research station for tropical fruits, providing joint research opportunities in the fields of water management, fisheries, horticulture, irrigation, and plant conservation, as well as holding short-term courses and joint training workshops are among the most important areas covered in the cooperation document.
Speaking on the sidelines of the ceremony, Khayyam-Nekuei said Malaysia needs many types of fruits including apples, kiwis, oranges and tangerines as our country enjoys the potentials to export these products to Malaysia.
“Malaysia has good experiences in the halal sector, and we decided to have very close cooperation in this field,” the Iranian official noted.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, Sabu said his country should use Iran’s experience and technology in various fields, especially the cultivation of rice with less water, along with the poultry breeding and caviar production.
“In the framework of the signed agreement, we should develop trade relations including agricultural products,” the Malaysian minister added.


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