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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six - 23 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six - 23 July 2023 - Page 1

Russia learning sanctions evasion from Iran: Report

Even though the US and the EU are imposing new sanctions on Russia and Iran almost every day, Moscow has been more successful in evading the harsher impacts of sanctions after picking up a few lessons from Iran.
According to a report by FOX News, companies based in Kyrgyzstan, the UAE, and Serbia are all facing penalties for helping aid Russia’s war.
“They’re making their alternative web of alliances in the world,” said former US ambassador to Poland, Daniel Fried. “Iran is certainly helping Russia. It’s an alliance of convenience.”
The two countries are trying to ease the economic pressure that sanctions have caused and recently linked their banking systems.
“You see the Russians beginning to pick up on some of the tactics perfected by the Iranians, as well as continue to deepen their political, economic, and security ties with Tehran,” said Behnam Ben Taleblu, a security expert. “Iran has a masterclass in sanctions-busting, helping to teach the Russian Federation at the moment.”
Iran’s largest source of revenue is from oil exports. Since the US re-imposed economic sanctions, Iran’s output has hit a new high despite the additional pressure. “While these sanctions remain on the books, the problem here is that they’re not being actively enforced. This lack of active enforcement, coupled with a very public desire for diplomacy and de-escalation with Iran, is encouraging more risk-tolerant actors to buy more Iranian oil,” Taleblu said. “Iran continues to thumb its nose at US sanctions,” US Congressman Mike Lawler said

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