Iranian poet Abdolmalekian receives Italian Roddi Prize

Iranian poet Garous Abdolmalekian was honored with the prestigious Roddi Prize at a ceremony held in Turin, according to reports from Italian media outlets.
The event featured a section titled ‘Witness of Beauty 2023,’ in which Abdolmalekian was recognized, as reported by the Italian media cited by IRNA on Tuesday.
Abdolmalekian, known for his minimalist style and concise language, is highly regarded as an author in Iran today, stated the source. His poems have been translated and published in French, German, English, Arabic, Kurdish, and Turkish.
The poet has achieved numerous national and international awards, including his recent nomination for the Pen Prize for his anthology of translated poems, Lean on at this late hour (2020).
The closing ceremony of this cultural event took place on July 17, 2023.
Born in 1980, Abdolmalekian currently serves as a poetry editor at Cheshmeh Publication in Tehran.
Translation of the statement by the jury regarding Abdolmalekian’s selection is as follows: “Garous Abdolmalekian is one of the most prominent voices of contemporary Persian poetry worldwide. His poems and verses have not only circulated within Iran but have also made an impact in various languages.
His works, which continue the grand tradition of Persian poetry spanning thousands of years, reflect the life, suffering, dreams, and destiny of a people who have always fought for peace, freedom, and equality. The book ‘War, Love, Solitude’ (a selection of Abdolmalekian’s poems in Italian) offers an opportunity to hear the human outcry of his poetry in Italian. Therefore, in recognition of his poetic influence and the depth of his works, as well as his social, civic, and human commitment, we present the ‘Witness of Beauty’ award to Abdolmalekian. We hope that poetry will once again lead us towards a more beautiful world.”
The book ‘War, Love, Solitude’ is a collection of Abdolmalekian’s work in Italian, comprising selections from three of his collections: ‘Cavities,’ ‘Middle Eastern Trilogy,’ and ‘Acceptance.’ It was translated into Italian by Faezeh Mardani and Francesco Occhetto and published by Caraba in 2022.


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