Doha parties to brief Iran on Lebanese dialogue: Report
Qatari Minister Mohammed al-Khulaifi will soon visit Tehran to brief the high-ranking officials of the key player in Lebanon on the outcomes of a five-nation meeting on devising a roadmap for reaching a Lebanese dialogue.
Representatives from Egypt, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United States held their second quintet meeting on Monday in the Qatari capital, Doha, MTV Lebanon reported.
The representatives met to discuss the urgent need for Lebanon’s leadership to “expedite presidential elections and implement imperative economic reforms in order to fulfill their responsibilities to their citizens”, the five nations said in their joint statement.
The TV network reported that the Qatari minister presented a joint paper by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the US that included a clear plan aimed at reaching a Lebanese dialogue under the ceiling of the Lebanese parliament and with international and regional sponsorship. MTV also revealed that al-Khulaifi “will soon visit Tehran and meet with officials there to put them in the picture of the results and discussion of the five-party meeting”.
“While our five countries underscored our commitment to Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence, we noted with concern that nearly nine months after the end of President Michel Aoun’s term, Lebanon’s political leaders have yet to elect a successor. We discussed concrete options with respect to implementing measures against those who are blocking progress on this front,” the representatives added.
The five countries also urged Lebanon to form a broad and inclusive coalition to implement essential economic reforms, particularly those recommended by the International Monetary Fund, expressing their willingness to help Beirut on this path.
They also underscored the desperate need for judicial reform and implementation of the rule of law, especially in regard to the 2020 Port of Beirut explosion investigation.
The conferees agreed to exchange information as well as follow up on and enhance the outcome of the visits of French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian to Lebanon and the region’s countries, in coordination with the visits of the Qatari envoys.