Iran tops global, regional rankings for access to drinking water

In a recent report released by the World Bank, Iran has emerged as the leader in global and West Asian access to drinking water, both in urban and rural areas.
According to the report, an astonishing 99.83 percent of Iranians living in urban areas and 82 percent in rural areas have easy access to clean drinking water. These figures exceed the global averages of 85.7 percent in urban regions and 59.6 percent in rural areas, as well as the West Asian averages of 83.2 percent and 69.5 percent respectively, Press TV reported.
Iran’s achievement can be attributed to its exceptional localization and production capabilities in the water industry. The report highlights Iran’s domestic production of 80 percent of the necessary equipment for water treatment plants, 65 percent for sewage treatment plants, and an impressive 90 percent for water and sewage networks. Moreover, the country ensures water supply for almost 100 percent of its urban population, surpassing the global average.
The report sheds light on various indicators of Iran’s thriving water industry. Iran’s commitment to localizing production and optimizing efficiency has yielded exceptional results. Not only does Iran excel in equipment production, but it has also implemented efficient management practices, including the establishment of collaborative mechanisms for watershed management, water productivity enhancement, proper allocation of water resources, bulk delivery of agricultural water, installation of gauging tools, and the prevention of unauthorized water extraction.
Iran has also made significant strides in infrastructure development, such as the construction of dams, irrigation and drainage networks, and the creation of sewage facilities. These initiatives, coupled with comprehensive water stress management strategies, reinforce Iran’s commitment to securing reliable and accessible drinking water for its population.
The success and recognition Iran has garnered exemplify the transformative impact of adopting innovative approaches to water management and infrastructure development. Through substantial changes in the water industry, Iran has positioned itself as a role model for other nations aiming to ensure water security and accessibility. The country’s achievements underscore the importance of sustainable strategies and collaborative efforts in addressing global and regional water challenges.


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