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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty - 16 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Forty - 16 July 2023 - Page 3

Culture, a secure anchor for relationships


In a welcoming address, the Managing Director of Iran Daily Ali Kaka-Dezfuli expressed his satisfaction with organizing the ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Iran and Vietnam, titled “The Perspective of Iran-Vietnam relation,” in collaboration with Tehran International Studies and Research Institute.
Emphasizing the cultural commonalities between the two nations, Kaka-Dezfuli highlighted how these cultural ties contribute to fostering closer relations between nations, more so than political and economic factors.
“Especially in today’s world, where the role of nations as actors in the international arena has become more prominent, it is culture that can determine the path that communication between two countries follows, and everything else is formed around it,” Kaka-Dezfuli remarked.
“I am happy that we here in Iran Daily can play a larger role than being a mere media; Iran Daily tries to take an in-depth look at issues, not a passing one, and maybe that’s why we decided to hold this series of meetings in collaboration with a research
The chief of Iran Daily said the newspaper seeks to lay the groundwork for the development of diplomatic relations and demonstrate that diplomacy can benefit from initiatives and creativity.
Kaka-Dezfuli stated that the primary objective of these meetings is to underscore the role of culture and identity in foreign relations.
“Iran and Vietnam both have a long and old historical background, and perhaps this has maintained the relationship between the two countries through time. Political and economic factors may play a stronger or weaker role at different times due to the unstable nature of the international [arena]; But what is lasting is culture, which can always play the role of a secure anchor in relationships.”


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