CIT minister says cooperation among ECO members needed for development

Iran’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology (CIT) Issa Zarepour stressed the need for utmost collaboration among the member states of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in the field of communications and information technology.
According to IRNA, Zarepour made the remarks in the opening ceremony of the third meeting of the communications ministers of ECO member countries on Thursday.
Pointing to the situation of the ECO member states, he noted that they achieve significant developments in the field of communications and information technology at the international level and that they can make utmost usage of state-of-the-art technologies to improve welfare.
Iran attaches importance to the ECO, he said, noting that the Islamic Republic made efforts in past years to utilize its capabilities to boost cooperation with the ECO member states.
Experts active in communications and information technology have reached appropriate decisions, he said, expressing hope that the ministerial meeting would endorse them to pave the way for more progress in ECO countries.
The minister also said that today [Thursday] is the birth anniversary of great Iranian scholar Khwarizmi, who lived in the Islamic Golden Age and played an important role in modern mathematics, which is the basis of computer science; therefore, the occasion has been designated as the National Day of IT in Iran.
Speaking on the sidelines of the ceremony, Zarepour announced that he is looking to create a legal basis for Starlink satellite internet activity in Iran.
“We welcome the activity of foreign platforms and satellite internet providers in the country. But this is subject to compliance with the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he added.
“Last week, in a meeting held under ITU, which is the highest decision-making body in the field of radio communications in the world, SpaceX has been required to obtain a license to operate in Iran,” said the Iranian minister.


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