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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Nine - 15 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Nine - 15 July 2023 - Page 2

News in Brief

Iran progress ‘eye-catching’: Pakistan
IRNA – President of Pakistan Arif Alvi underscored that the development of Iran despite sanctions is eye-catching and a source of happiness.
The Pakistani president made the remarks in a ceremony for receiving the credentials of the new Iranian Ambassador to Islamabad Reza Amiri Moghaddam on Thursday, emphasizing the importance of relations between the two neighboring countries. Amiri Moghaddam mentioned his plans for expanding ties between Tehran and Islamabad, particularly the improvement of economic and trade cooperation.

TASNIM – Iran has categorically rejected allegations it is providing drones to Russia, raised this time by NATO, urging member states of the military alliance to refrain from leveling such accusations.
Iran’s Embassy in Brussels said in a statement on Thursday that Tehran maintains a neutral position in the Ukraine conflict and remains fully committed to the principles of the UN Charter and international law, which includes respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries.

behind SE
riots nabbed
PRESS TV – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps intelligence forces arrested a member of the so-called Jaish ul-Adl terrorist group responsible for instigating violent riots and acts of violence in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan late last September.
The Salman Base of the IRGC said in a statement that rogue elements, terrorists, separatists and agents of foreign spy agencies incited crowds during last year’s September 30 unrest in Zahedan, and played a role in disrupting unity and security in the southeastern part of the country.


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