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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven - 12 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven - 12 July 2023 - Page 7

Anxiety screening of more than 160k Iranian children


Masoumeh Tavakoli, deputy of counseling and psychological affairs of Iran’s State Welfare Organization (SWO), revealed that over 160,000 children aged five and six were included in the national anxiety screening program last year.
Tavakoli explained that parents can now register their children for the anxiety screening by filling out a questionnaire on the system’s website, IRNA reported.
Upon completion, they will receive an SMS notification about their child’s condition. If the child is suspected of having anxiety, the system will recommend counseling centers and psychological services supervised by SWO. Parents are then expected to accompany their children for further evaluations and to receive necessary counseling and psychological services.
The official emphasized that childhood anxiety disorder is not a fleeting issue. If left untreated, it can persist into adolescence and adulthood, leading to a host of problems. Due to their nature, childhood anxiety disorders are often underdiagnosed and, consequently, undertreated. These disorders can lead to depression, drug use, selective mutism, and physical illnesses.
Tavakoli further noted that research has shown that untreated anxiety disorders during adolescence can significantly disrupt a person’s social, academic, occupational, and other important functional areas. This disorder can also negatively impact the child’s growth and personality development, as well as their relationships with parents and siblings.
The deputy also highlighted that adults who suffered from these disorders in their childhood often face significant challenges in their marriages and relationships.
Tavakoli underscored that one of the main objectives of the deputy of counseling and psychological affairs is to promote mental health and prevention. To this end, the deputy has prioritized the design of early childhood interventions in its programs, including the anxiety screening for five- and six-year-old children. Early detection of disorders and reducing the burden of diseases can significantly improve the mental health of society.
Finally, Tavakoli stated that screening programs, while providing cost-effective services to society, also help reduce the occurrence of subsequent problems due to their nature of early diagnosis.

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