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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven - 12 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Seven - 12 July 2023 - Page 6

Simple measures can help avoid power outages

Electricity consumption in Iran on the hot summer days of the current week reached a record high of 72,500 megawatts.
For the stability of the electricity network, and to prevent power outages, it is necessary to save or consume correctly in the home, office and commercial sector, and with a few simple measures, power outages can be prevented.
According to IRNA, these days, as the air temperature increased in most parts of the country, the amount of electricity consumption also increased.
The surge in air temperature occurred on Saturday, and it caused more cooling systems to enter the circuit which led to an increase in the amount of electricity consumption.
On Saturday, Iran’s Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian said, “According to the forecast, the historical record of electricity consumption in the country will be set.”
A major part of the country’s electricity generation is by thermal power plants, and it is necessary for the Thermal Power Plants Holding Company to have a plan using maximum capacity of private and state power plants to supply the energy needed during the country’s peak electricity consumption days, he said.
Director of the Operation and Control Department of Electricity Grid System Maziar Jamshidi said, “The coming days will also be hot days; therefore, we request that people use maximum savings to ensure a more stable electricity supply.”
In order to provide a reliable and stable electricity supply in the hot summer days, it is necessary to continue cooperation with people in the electricity industry in the form of electricity consumption management.
The minister also asked the people to save energy to meet the country’s electricity needs.
About 30,000 megawatts of electricity consumption in Iran are used for cooling systems; and to reduce the figure, the use of comfortable temperatures (23–25.5°C) in air conditioners and evaporative coolers is effective.
Not using unnecessary lighting and turning off unused electrical appliances are also among simple measures to reduce consumption.
The commercial sector and large commercial complexes can also avoid turning on extra lamps and use evaporative


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