Iran urges Europe to fulfill JCPOA commitments instead of making allegations

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman urged the European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal to fulfill their commitments under the agreement, instead of making anti-Iran allegations.
Remarks by Nasser Kanaani were a response to a recent statement by UK, France, and Germany, in which they claimed that Iran has been in violation of its nuclear deal commitments for more than four years.
“Iran has been in violation of its nuclear commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), endorsed by Resolution 2231, for more than four years and its nuclear program has escalated to dangerous levels. This is of utmost concern for international peace and security,” the statement by the three European countries said.
Kanaani said Iran does not accept the West’s allegations, stressing that such actions are unconstructive and will not lead anywhere.

He also emphasized that any new sanctions based on baseless claims are completely rejected and Iran reserves the right to respond to any irresponsible action in a timely manner.
The Foreign Ministry’s spokesman also slammed the irresponsibility of the three European signatories to the agreement with Iran, saying they must be held accountable for failing to meet their own obligations under the deal, from which the US unilaterally withdrew in 2018 and left the future of the deal in limbo.
After the withdrawal from the agreement – also known as the Joint Comprehensive plan of Action (JCPOA) – Washington re-imposed sanctions against Tehran.
Multilateral diplomatic efforts to revive the JCPOA have been stalled since last August, with Iran blaming the United States for failing to guarantee that it will not leave the deal again


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