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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Five - 10 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Five - 10 July 2023 - Page 2

Iran denounces US ...

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Russia vehemently condemned the US decision to provide Ukraine with advanced cluster bombs and insisted that “the current level of American provocations is really off scale, bringing humanity closer to a new world war.”
Several allies of the US have expressed unease at Washington’s decision.
The UK, Canada, New Zealand and Spain all said they were opposed to the use of the weapons.
Cluster bombs have been banned by more than 100 countries because of the danger they pose to civilians. They typically release smaller bomblets that can kill indiscriminately over a wide area.
The munitions have also caused controversy over their failure - or dud - rate. Unexploded bomblets can linger on the ground for years and then indiscriminately detonate.
The decision was quickly criticized by human rights groups, with Amnesty International saying cluster munitions pose “a grave threat to civilian lives, even long after the conflict has ended”.

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