Iran slams Ukraine at JCPOA meeting

Iran’s UN ambassador has denounced the presence of the Ukrainian envoy in a Security Council meeting on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the implementation of the 2015 Iran deal, lambasting the move as unconstructive and a suspicious attempt to divert attention from the main issue.
“We strongly object to the Presidency of the Council extending an invitation to a member state that has no direct or indirect relevance to the agenda item of this meeting. We perceive this action as neither constructive nor in good faith. Instead, it appears to be a cynical attempt to divert attention from the pressing matter at hand – the implementation of the JCPOA – and the failure of certain Western parties to fulfill their obligations under the agreement,” Amir Saied Iravani said as he addressed the UNSC session on “Non-Proliferation: Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015),” Press TV reported.
He underscored that the Security Council meeting and Resolution 2231 have no connection whatsoever to the conflict in Ukraine.
“The invitation extended to the representative of Ukraine [Sergiy Kyslytsya] for this meeting represents an abuse of the process and a misuse of the Council’s presidency, serving the political agendas of certain states. Moreover, this action flagrantly contradicts established practices of the Council and its provisional rules of procedure and runs counter to the principles outlined in the UN Charter,” the Iranian diplomat said.

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