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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Two - 06 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Two - 06 July 2023 - Page 7

Why save water this hot summer and how

As the summer heat intensifies, Iran grapples with an escalating water crisis, exacerbated by increased consumption and dwindling resources. The situation has reached a critical juncture, with the country’s water reserves hitting alarmingly low levels.
In the past fortnight, parts of Tehran experienced water outages due to flooding and mudslides at the Karaj Dam, which obstructed the water supply. The disruption underscored the vulnerability of a system that many take for granted, expecting high-pressure, clear water to flow from their faucets at any given moment.
The reality, however, is that water is a finite resource, originating not from faucets but from nature. The thought of homes without water for even a few hours is distressing, yet it is a stark reality for millions worldwide who grapple with water scarcity. Many have endured prolonged water outages, relying on tankers and water tanks for their daily needs.
Drought and reduced rainfall have plagued many regions, including Iran, while indiscriminate exploitation of water resources has threatened the sustainability of freshwater reserves. The result is a landscape marred by dried-up and polluted rivers, lakes, and wetlands, and the continued destruction of watersheds and water resources.
This environmental degradation not only threatens biodiversity but also pushes various animal and plant species towards extinction. Statistics reveal an alarming 83 percent decrease in the population of freshwater species globally since 1970. These species play a crucial role in the maintaining health of freshwater ecosystems and enhancing their resilience to climate change.
Despite the scarcity of freshwater, consumption patterns suggest a lack of awareness of its finite nature. Tehran’s water consumption has hit a record high of 50,000 liters per second, a 4,000-liter increase from the previous year. However, a 10 percent reduction in water usage could ensure a comfortable summer for the city’s residents.
Given the dire situation we’re in water-wise, here are 10 simple yet effective ways for us to help save water in our daily lives this hot summer:
Fix leaks promptly
A small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste 75 liters of water per day, while larger leaks can waste more than 500 liters. Therefore, it is essential to fix leaks as soon as they are detected. Regularly check your pipes and faucets for leaks and get them repaired promptly.
Install water-saving appliances
Consider investing in water-efficient appliances such as high-efficiency washing machines and dishwashers. These appliances use significantly less water than their standard counterparts. Also, consider installing low-flow showerheads and dual-flush toilets, which can significantly reduce your water usage.
Use water wisely
in the kitchen
Be mindful of your water usage when washing dishes. Instead of letting the water run while you wash, fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Also, consider using a dishwasher, which typically uses less water than washing dishes by hand.
Limit your shower time
A standard showerhead uses 10 liters of water per minute. By reducing your shower time by just a few minutes, you can save a significant amount of water. Also, consider turning off the water while you lather up.
Water plants wisely
Water your plants during the early morning or late evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation. Also, consider using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system, which delivers water directly to the plant’s roots, reducing water waste.
Collect rainwater
Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater, which can be used to water your plants, wash your car, or even flush your toilets. This not only saves water but also reduces the amount of stormwater runoff, which can lead to erosion and pollution.
Reuse greywater
Greywater is the relatively clean wastewater from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances. It can be reused for activities like watering gardens, significantly reducing your freshwater usage.
Educate yourself
and others
Knowledge is power. The more you know about the importance of water conservation, the more likely you are to make changes in your daily habits. Share your knowledge with others and encourage them to save water too.
Be mindful of
your consumption
Every product we consume requires water to produce. By being mindful of our consumption and reducing waste, we can indirectly save water. For example, it takes 9000 liters of water to produce one pound of beef, so reducing meat consumption can save a significant amount of water.
Advocate for water conservation policies
Support local, national, and international policies that promote water conservation. This could include policies that encourage the use of water-efficient appliances, regulate industrial water use, or protect natural water sources.
Water conservation is not just about saving water; it’s about ensuring a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. By implementing these simple yet effective strategies, we can all play a part in preserving this precious resource. Remember, every drop counts.
The current crisis underscores the urgent need for sustainable water management and conservation efforts. As the summer heat continues to rise, so does the urgency to address this pressing issue.


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