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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Two - 06 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Two - 06 July 2023 - Page 1

Two goals on agenda in Baku

By Mohsen Pakaein
Caucasus affairs expert
The visit of Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian to the Republic of Azerbaijan holds significance in both bilateral and international contexts.
On an international level, the purpose of this trip is to participate in a meeting of foreign ministers from the Non-Aligned Movement. This gathering focuses on global and regional challenges, aiming to establish and strengthen stability and security in various parts of the world. Additionally, it seeks to foster friendship among nations and promote a world order based on multilateralism, countering the unilateral system advocated by Western
The majority of countries that endorse a multilateral approach are part of the NAM, a fact highlighted by Amir-Abdollahian in his speech to the event on Wednesday. Iran, aligning with this ideology, supports the presence of multilateralism worldwide.

The country opposes the dominance of one or more Western powers over international relations.
Iran’s membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also serves to bolster the multilateral approach. It is expected that the Iranian foreign minister’s speech at the NAM meeting will receive a positive reception from its member states.
A special NAM committee has been set up to address the Palestinian issue. Considering the ongoing challenges in the Middle East, including Israeli aggression against Palestinians and the persistence of settlement policies opposed by the international community, these discussions hold significance.
However, in the context of bilateral relations during the trip to Azerbaijan, it is important to point out to the recent misunderstandings between Tehran and Baku. The visit of Iran’s foreign minister and the subsequent discussions with Azerbaijani authorities are expected to play a crucial role in resolving these misunderstandings and paving the way for improved relations between the two neighbors. On the sidelines of the NAM gathering, President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan held a meeting with Amir-Abdollahian, and reports suggest that Baku has shown a positive inclination toward enhancing relations and resorting to diplomatic means for resolving disputes, a stance that Iran also appreciates.
I firmly believe that officials from both countries should engage in direct diplomatic dialogue, as relying on other channels such as the media is unlikely to contribute to rapprochement. The anticipated meeting between Aliyev and his Iranian counterpart President Ebrahim Raeisi in the future instills hope that the meeting will emphasize commonalities. Given the numerous shared interests between the two nations, they have the potential to advance their relations by addressing and resolving their misunderstandings.
Media reports have highlighted that, during the meeting between the Iranian foreign minister and the president of Azerbaijan, discussions also touched upon the North-South Corridor and the construction of the Rasht-Astara railway. Although Iran recently signed a contract with Russia build of this route, with plans to commence construction in March, Iran welcomes Azerbaijan’s participation in this project.
It is hoped that a trilateral meeting involving Tehran, Baku, and Moscow regarding the construction of the Rasht-Astara railroad will take place soon. The acceleration of this project and its subsequent opening would bring benefits to all countries in the region.


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