On the occasion of Iran’s National Pen Day:

Written word still holds its immense power

By Ali Amiri
Staff writer
Today, our country Iran celebrates its National Pen Day, a day which could serve to remind us of the power of the written word and its profound impact on individuals and society alike.
This day is not a celebration of the pen as a physical tool, but a recognition of the transformative power of writing in shaping individual minds, influencing individual and collective opinions, and driving societal change.
Since the dawn of recorded history, writing has been a fundamental pillar of human societies. It is the primary basis upon which information is recorded and knowledge is communicated.
It is through writing that we express our thoughts and emotions. It is through writing that we record history, and share stories. It is through writing that we educate, inform, and inspire.
We Iranians are heir to a rich literary tradition with its deep respect for the written word. Our country is home to some of the world’s most celebrated poets and authors, whose works have not only shaped our enduring culture, but have also contributed significantly to the world literature.
Moreover, today we should take some time and reflect on the power of writing to effect change. The pen, as the saying goes, is mightier than the sword.
Through the written word, we can challenge injustices, question, and advocate for change. Writing is a powerful tool for any kind of activism. It is a means through which we can voice our opinions, express our hopes and fears, and call for action.
In addition to all its societal benefits, writing could be a potent tool for personal growth and self-expression. It allows us to reflect on our own lives, explore our thoughts and feelings, and articulate our dreams and aspirations. Pen, in that sense, is a vehicle for the journey of self-discovery and self-understanding.
In our extremely digital age, it is hard to overstate the importance of writing. While technology has transformed the way communicate, the essence of writing remains the same. Whether it’s a handwritten letter, a blog post, or a tweet, writing continues to be a powerful medium of expression and communication.
Iran’s National Pen Day is a celebration of this power. It is a day to appreciate the importance of writing in our lives and in our society. It is a day to honor the writers who have used their pens to enlighten, inspire, and better us. It is a day to encourage everyone, especially the younger generation, to embrace the power of the written word.


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