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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty One - 05 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty One - 05 July 2023 - Page 3

An assessment of Richard Haass’s recent warnings:

Extreme right poses threat to American political system

By Ebrahim Beheshti
Staff writer
Richard Haass, one of the prominent political figures in the United States and the President of the Council on Foreign Relations, has issued a warning regarding the decline of American power on the occasion of his departure from this think tank. In an interview, he emphasized that the real danger is at home, with the rise of extremism and the weakening of democracy.
Iran Daily has discussed these warnings with Rahman Qahramanpour, a strategic analyst and translator of books such as “Political Order and Political Decay” and “Identity” by Francis Fukuyama.

IRAN DAILY: What are the recent positions of Richard Haass and his warnings about the declining power of the United States?

QAHRAMANPOUR: Considering various analyses of the US’ decline in power, there is an ongoing discussion about China simultaneously gaining power. This raises an important question about why China is rapidly becoming powerful. Some believe that it is not China becoming powerful, but rather America losing its international standing.
One of the factors contributing to this decline is the emergence of the Trump phenomenon in the US political arena. Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections unleashed social forces in the country that had previously lacked representation in power. Prior to that, these right-wing and extremist ideologies couldn’t enter the government because the political system in the country is presidential. Therefore, out of necessity, they were leaning towards the Republican Party. On the other hand, the main body of power within the Republican Party was predominantly conservative, not extreme right-wing. Even prominent families like the Bush family in the Republican Party were conservative, not extreme right-wing.
However, since Trump became president, extreme right-wing elements found representation and became powerful within the government. Contrary to some expectations, Trumpism did not fade away as a passing trend. The division in American society, which was revealed with Trump’s victory, still exists, and the policies of Joe Biden and his Democratic administration have not been entirely successful in addressing this divide.
Therefore, critics in the US, like some Democrats and figures such as Richard Haass and Fukuyama, consider this societal division as the main threat to the country. It is important to note that Fukuyama’s critical analysis does not imply the decline and fall of American civilization. His main argument is that the US used to have a bureaucratic and well-structured system of governance, which has now weakened significantly. In fact, these are warnings to American authorities and decision-makers. Richard Haass’s main point is that the US needs to address its internal problems to remain powerful. Otherwise, simultaneous with its decline in domestic power, the US’ international standing would also weaken further.

What are the main manifestations of these internal problems?
One of the main manifestations is the political and social divide within the US, which stems from the rise of extremists or right-wing ideologies. This phenomenon could gradually marginalize moderate Republicans and strengthen extreme factions within the Democratic Party as well.
Another important manifestation is the decline of the middle class in the US. The middle class is crucial to sustaining democracy, and as it weakens economically and socially, individuals separated from this class tend to lean towards extreme right-wing ideologies. This is why Trump still has significant followers in American society. Therefore, the growth of extreme right-wing ideologies poses a serious threat to the US’ political system.

Mr. Haass has also stated that the US has become the greatest threat to global security. Does this mean that the country is an external threat to the world?
I don’t think Mr. Haass means that the US deliberately creates instability in different parts of the world. From Haass’s perspective and that of some other American critics, as the US’ internal power weakens, it cannot effectively maintain the international order that it has been upholding since World War II. Consequently, when the US is preoccupied with internal issues, it may contribute to increased instability and insecurity in different parts of the world. Some argue that Russia acted on this assessment of the US’ weakened power when it attacked Ukraine.

Are these warnings regarding the state of political management being taken into account by American decision-makers?
We don’t have a clear answer to whether these criticisms are receiving attention or not. However, currently, there are two approaches within the US. Democrats and the Biden administration believe that through multilateralism and cooperation with allies, along with strengthening the middle class, the US can maintain its international standing. On the other hand, Republicans, particularly those aligned with Trump, still believe that by rejecting globalization, making alliances and opponents more transparent, the US should be empowered.
Republicans, especially Trump’s followers, believe that the US should focus on nationalism and toughening stances against rivals and opponents to regain its strength. The dominance of one solution over the other depends on the political trajectory of American society.

Therefore, these positions can be considered as an election warning to the American people. If the conservatives win in the upcoming presidential elections, will the US’ weakening process accelerate?
Haass had a famous quote after Donald Trump’s victory in the elections, stating that governing a country is different from running a campaign. While his audience may include the American people, these warnings are primarily about the long-term situation and the political governance and management in the country. Haass knows that regardless of whether a Democratic or Republican candidate wins in the next elections, these problems, such as a divided society and a weakened middle class still persist. Haass believes that the continuation of domestic problems implies further weakening of the US’ position and power in the international system. Therefore, the main audience for Haass’s warnings is the American political system.

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