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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty - 04 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty - 04 July 2023 - Page 7

Miankaleh petchem never had environmental permit: Official

In a recent statement, the Director General of the Environmental Assessment Office of Iran's Department of the Environment (DoE), Saeed Karimi, categorically denied the issuance of any environmental permit to Miankaleh petrochemical.
He challenged any claimants to produce such a permit, which he said must come with a signature, hologram, and an embossed seal, IRNA reported.
Karimi was addressing the status of the Miankaleh petrochemical project, which has been under scrutiny since March 2021. The project’s environmental assessment report was submitted to the DoE and subsequently reviewed by the organization’s environmental assessment office. The project manager was notified of necessary amendments on several occasions.
Despite the convening of the environmental assessment committee three times, the DoE ultimately did not approve the project’s implementation. Karimi dismissed any claims of permit issuance as false.
He further revealed that the Miankaleh petrochemical project was removed from the agenda after relevant institutions intervened. He reported recent developments indicating the commencement of the project’s execution, including fencing around the project area and possible concrete pouring operations.
In response, the DoE corresponded with the Director General of the DoE’s provincial branch in Mazandaran, asserting the project’s lack of an environmental assessment permit and urging necessary legal measures to halt it. The city and provincial administrations subsequently pursued legal follow-up with the project manager and relevant institutions.
Karimi also referenced a 2020 government resolution on the construction of a propylene park, which may have influenced the investor’s decision to launch the project. The DoE has corresponded with the presidency to cancel articles 4 and 5 of this resolution.
The DoE’s opposition to the petrochemical project in the Miankaleh area is rooted in the region’s ecological sensitivity, which includes a wildlife sanctuary and a wetland. Karimi emphasized that land exploitation should align with a region’s ecological potential, as stipulated in the sixth paragraph of the policies announced by the Leader in the field of the environment.
Karimi also noted that the project contradicts the province’s land development program and the integrated beach management plan. He stressed that the Miankaleh petrochemical project lacks environmental justification due to these factors.
Regarding the land allocated for the project, Karimi stated that the Land Affairs Organization of Iran provided the land to the investor, but sought to reclaim it after the environmental permit was not issued.
Karimi dismissed claims that the petrochemical plant’s construction would create 300 jobs in the region, arguing that other projects, such as tourism, could generate more employment. He also questioned the project’s economic justification, given that its product is intended to be transported to Damghan, Semnan Province, by pipeline.
Finally, Karimi warned of the potential environmental damage if the project’s required desalination sludge enters the Caspian Sea, a closed ecosystem.
Why Miankaleh petchem should not proceed?
Mehdi Esmaeili Bidhendi, an environmental expert, expressed his concerns about new constructions at Miankaleh petrochemical project, saying, “These projects are primarily caused by a flawed perception of development and progress, rather than a lack of supervision,” IMNA reported.
The expert went on to say, “Considering the sensitivity of the environment and the fact that this area is a wildlife sanctuary, Miankaleh petrochemical should not proceed with this project, as it lacks both an environmental permit and violates regulations.”
He further added, “The investor’s insistence on this petrochemical project is based on the argument of creating employment in this province. However, it is important to note that Mazandaran currently bears the 21st highest unemployment rate in the country. In the province of Mazandaran, 52 percent of the workforce is engaged in the service sector, while 30 percent work in the industry sector. This data underscores the vast potential of this province in the service sector.”
Responding to the General Inspection Office of Iran’s endorsement of the Miankaleh petrochemical project, the environmental expert raised a valid concern, stating, “If the DoE, which is responsible for this area opposes the implementation of this project, how can the inspection organization claim that there are no issues with it?”


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