Blasts in Khartoum amid army’s new call for volunteers

Explosions again rocked Sudan’s capital Khartoum on Monday as the army rallied civilians to take up arms against a renewed onslaught by its paramilitary foes.
The sound of artillery fire shook the dawn in northwest Khartoum and progressed towards the centre and east of the city, witnesses told AFP.
The fighting “began at 4:00 am and is still going,” one resident said. The war-torn capital barely saw a few hours of respite after heavy clashes on Sunday between troops loyal to army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
The army announced Monday it was ready to “receive and prepare” volunteer fighters, after Burhan last week urged Sudanese “youth and all those able to defend” to join the military.

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