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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Nine - 03 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Nine - 03 July 2023 - Page 2

Iran issues advisory against France travel

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has issued a travel advisory for Iranian nationals to avoid making “unnecessary trips” to France amid persisting protests against police brutality across the European country over the police killing of a teenager.
Nasser Kanaani, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, made the remark in the early hours of Sunday as he called on the French police to exercise restraint in handling the nationwide protests sparked by the murder of 17-year-old Nahel M. on June 27 in the western Parisian suburb of Nanterre, Press TV wrote.
“Just like in the past, we advise the French government and police to heed the demands of the protesters while exercising restraint and avoiding violence,” Kanaani said.
Rioting across France was less intense overnight, the French Interior Ministry said on Sunday, as tens of thousands of police were deployed, Reuters reported.
The government poured 45,000 police onto the streets to try to keep a lid on a fifth night of unrest after Saturday’s funeral of Nahel, who was shot during a traffic stop on Tuesday in the Paris.
Since then, rioters have torched cars and looted stores, but also targeted town halls, police stations, and schools — buildings that represent the French state. President Emmanuel Macron postponed a state visit to Germany that was due to have begun on Sunday to handle the worst crisis for his leadership since the “Yellow Vest” protests paralyzed much of France in late 2018.

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