Maryam Nashiba: A timeless voice connecting generations on ‘Good Night Kids’

Maryam Nashiba, an experienced storyteller, has been captivating children with bedtime stories on the radio program ‘Good Night Kids’ since 1990.
With pride, Nashiba shares her recognition when taxi drivers identify her voice, which is familiar to children. This recognition represents the simple expectation that television and radio authorities should listen to the people’s desires and engage more closely with their audience.
In May 2019, Radio Iran celebrated Nashiba’s lifelong accomplishments during a special ceremony.
In an interview with ISNA, Nashiba, reflects on her early radio experiences, concerns, affection for children, and her demands from television and radio officials.
Recalling the inception of her collaboration with the program, Nashiba states, “‘Good Night Kids’ commenced on June 30, 1990, following an earthquake in the northern part of the country. Thanks to Mostafa Rahmandoust and an Azeri poet whose name currently eludes her memory, Mrs. Khorasani and Mr. Kazemzadeh were part of the children’s group at the time, and this program began. Fortunately, it has persevered to this day.”
Nashiba also emphasizes the connection she feels with her audience, expressing her happiness and satisfaction that, without any special efforts, she has garnered a host of beloved individuals who warmly respond to her greetings and show their affection towards her.
When questioned about her current involvement in other programs, both on the radio and television, Nashiba clarifies, “I solely host ‘Good Night Kids.’ I do not have any television programs. It has been two years since I last participated in dubbing. Former colleagues, such as Gholamali Afshari, who relocated to the north, are no longer active. Personally, I prefer remaining in my comfort zone and not venturing outside of it.”
Addressing the continuity of her programs’ audience, Nashiba explains, “Most of those who are at home and seek entertainment and solace around 3 pm tune into the ‘Golbaang’ program. Although with rapid technological advancements, everything has undergone significant transformations. Each passing day and moment bring about change. Technology has progressed immensely, both in the realm of radio and television. Consequently, we must keep pace with these developments. We must acquaint ourselves with new forms of art, novel techniques, and be willing to learn them anew.”
Concluding the interview, Nashiba expresses her expectations from officials, emphasizing the importance of utilizing individuals with intellect and ideology.  She discourages individuals from assuming positions of responsibility solely out of personal interest. Disregarding even the slightest of people’s opinions should be avoided, while paying considerable attention to their demands is crucial.


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