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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Eight - 02 July 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Eight - 02 July 2023 - Page 4

Babolsar, a coastal city with a charming river in northern Iran

On the way to Mazandaran Province from Tehran, the winding road which snakes around the mountain brings you to the land of the sea. Humid air, paddy fields, intact forests, and nice, pure people call you. No one can know Mazandaran Province merely by photos. You have to pick up your backpack and leave freely for the land in order to understand the beauty of the northernmost province of Iran.
At the end of the road, coming down a hill, the humidity is the first thing to greet you. You sense that you are approaching your destination. The road turns green and, suddenly, you find yourself in the middle of a forest, wrote.
On the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, Babolsar is bordered by Babol in the south, Juybar in the east, and Fereydounkenar in the west. The city has humid subtropical climate, with warm summers and cool, humid winters.
Babolsar was formerly known as Mashhadsar (the way to Mashhad) because the only road connecting the northwest of Iran to the city of Mashhad in the northeast passed through the city.
The founder of the Safavid Dynasty, Shah Abbas I (1571-1629 CE), is said to have visited the city twice and written about the many ships docked at its pier waiting for the right time to set sail.  During the Qajar era (1781-1925 CE) the city served as a port for the market town, Babol. From Babolsar goods such as cotton, silk and rice were transported to Russia, and Russian goods were brought back to Iran. The city lost is status as a commercial port when Anzali Port in Gilan Province gained more popularity.
Babolsar is a city with a charming river, crowded with fishing and recreational boats. In fact, the main part of the city is located along this river. Walking alongside the river, you can see old buildings of the city built in Russian style.
Modern buildings are visible next to the ancient ones. Local people have tried to preserve the antique style of the city’s bazaar. Many farmers and fishermen bring their products here to sell. People with dark skin and sweet accents tell you everything you want to know about the town. At the end of the river, you reach the Caspian Sea. The confluence of the river and the sea creates an inimitable scene of which one should have first-hand experience.
The city is full of beautiful stylish coastal villas, which are so gorgeous that you will imagine for a moment that you have traveled to Spain. These villas are for rent, and everyone can enjoy the sea and the beach. The city is popular because of its many hotels and villas as well as Darya Kenar town, located five kilometers from Babolsar, where many Iranians vacation.

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