Israeli forces kill Palestinian at West Bank checkpoint near Al-Quds

Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man claiming that he had opened fire at the main checkpoint between occupied northern West Bank and Al-Quds amid a new round of atrocities waged by the regime against local residents.
The Israeli regime’s Hebrew-language media outlets claimed that the yet unidentified Palestinian arrived on foot at the Qalandiya checkpoint north of al-Quds early Saturday morning while carrying an M16 automatic rifle and began firing at Israeli forces in the area before being shot dead at the scene, Press TV reported.
A “security guard” and another man were reportedly slightly injured after being shot at the checkpoint.
Israeli police forces were rushed into the scene and the two injured were evacuated by medical personnel to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in West Al-Quds for treatment.
Earlier on Friday, an Israeli woman that tried to stab the regime’s soldiers was shot and wounded in the northern West Bank in what officials were reportedly investigating as a possible attempted suicide.
The Israeli military claimed in a statement that the nearly 40-year-old woman approached the soldiers near the Tapuah Junction and tried to stab them.
“In response, the soldiers opened fire in her direction to remove the danger,” the military said.
The woman was wounded in her lower body and taken to a hospital in “moderate condition,” the regime’s Army Radio further claimed, noting that no soldiers were injured in the incident.
According to the military report, the woman was “dressed as a Palestinian,” but did not elaborate.
The incidents came amid heightened tensions in the West Bank following a series of retaliatory Palestinian operations, and price tag attacks by extremist Zionist settlers.


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