Iran, Uganda keen to expand tourism cooperation

Iran and Uganda are demonstrating a profound interest in expanding their bilateral tourism relations, as expressed during a meeting between Muhammad Tezikuba Kisambira, the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to Iran, and Iranian officials.
The Ugandan envoy conveyed his belief that his country possesses exceptional capabilities to attract Iranian tourists, highlighting Uganda’s pristine nature and mountainous terrains, which offer excellent opportunities for hiking and trekking.
Moreover, the Ugandan ambassador in Iran emphasized the simplified visa acquisition process in his country and assured the presence of favorable security conditions for tourists visiting Uganda.
In support of strengthening ties, Hassan Mirzakhani, a provincial official, acknowledged the influential role of 54 independent African nations in international decisions, signifying the importance of these countries in fostering political and economic relations.
He underscored the Islamic Republic of Iran’s stance as a friend and supporter of African nations, striving to expand interactions through diverse frameworks.
The deputy coordinator further emphasized the substantial potential and favorable prospects for enhancing bilateral relations between Iran and Uganda.
Recognizing Markazi Province as one of the most significant provinces in Iran, he asserted its unwavering determination to promote robust ties with Africa.
To facilitate mutual cooperation, it was noted that Uganda, being a prominent nation in East Africa, could serve as a gateway for Iran to enter these markets. Moreover, Markazi Province expressed readiness to organize an exhibition showcasing the capabilities of the province in the capital of Uganda.
With hopes of finalizing a comprehensive memorandum of understanding, it is expected that the primary framework for cooperation with Uganda will be established and subsequently signed in Tehran, as expressed by Mirzakhani.
Ali Joudaki, head of the province’s Industry, Mining and Trade Department, said that the Ugandan ambassador has demonstrated a keen interest in establishing capacity-building initiatives within the province.


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