Giveh-bafi, a prevalent handicraft in Zanjan Province
The northwestern province of Zanjan is a main center of handicraft production in Iran. Archaeological findings also testify to the antiquity of the handicraft industry in the province.
Giveh-bafi is a handicraft which is very prevalent in Zanjan Province. Giveh is a kind of soft, comfortable, durable, handmade shoe that is common in several parts of Iran, IRNA wrote.
Experts believe that in the past, giveh was produced in many Iranian cities with a dry climate. The craft of giveh-bafi displays a combination of male and female art, unlike embroidery, for example.
Presently, the craft is still alive in a few Iranian cities including Zanjan.
The craftspeople and experts of the province believe that modern methods should be employed to preserve the art and prepare conditions for producers to sell their works to other provinces of the country, and even export them to foreign countries.
Soghra Mohammadi is an artist who has been involved giveh-bafi for 30 years. She said she has presented various ideas to make the industry flourish and profitable in the province.
“I went through a lot of ups and downs to achieve success. I am happy that our craft has become more popular among the public now,” she said.
She continued that she is making efforts to make giveh-bafi of Zanjan Province a brand to encourage tourists to buy this traditional footwear as a souvenir, stressing that improving the designs and diversifying the colors is a prerequisite for achieving this target.
“Givehs of Zanjan are woven using a crochet hook,” she said, adding that the method is different from those employed in other parts of the country.”
Mohammadi said that she uses embroidery and painting arts on givehs to make them more attractive for customers, pointing out that, currently, a large number of artists are involved in the craft and the market is saturated with this type of product.
She said that giveh can only be used in the first six months of the year, however, the period is longer in regions with a warm climate.
The artisan continued that a limited number of individuals wore givehs in the past, while presently the use of the traditional shoe is more prevalent among people.
She called for the officials at the province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organizations and other related bodies to support the craft and prepare conditions for the giveh producers to introduce their products.
Deputy Head of Zanjan Province’s Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization Seyyed Mikaeil Mousavi said that giveh is a kind of summer footwear, which is lightweight, durable and suitable for long walks.
He added that the top of giveh is made of cotton, while its sole is made of leather.
He said that the art of giveh-bafi has recently flourished again and a large number of people wear these shoes for their long walks.
Mousavi noted that about 3,000 giveh weavers are active throughout the province, adding that a prominent artist produced 16,000 pairs of giveh per month, which has been the highest number in the province.