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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Two - 24 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Two - 24 June 2023 - Page 2

News in Brief

Leader asks intelligence bodies to increase cooperation

MEHR – In a message to the joint meeting of Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC Intelligence Organization on Thursday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed the need for cooperation between the two institutions at all levels.
“If they want to fight for God, their jihad is to implement this understanding in all ranks. Today, although there is serious understanding at the top of these two institutions, the real effort is to implement this cooperation and understanding at all levels,” said Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

U.S. House moves to make Iran sanctions permanent

IFP – The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee has unanimously passed a bipartisan bill to make the 1996 sanctions against Tehran permanent, sending it to the full House floor for a vote.
Tehran says Washington does not seem to have the necessary political will for continuing the negotiations in Vienna to revive the nuclear deal, urging the United States to drop its addiction to sanctions.

Iran has mastered complex defense technologies: IRGC commander

IRNA –  Commander of IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said that Iran has mastered all advanced technologies in the defense industry.
General Hajizadeh added that the range of the domestically produced Fattah missile, a hypersonic ballistic missile unveiled earlier this month by the IRGC Aerospace Force, can be increased to 2,000km, from its current range of 1,400km.




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