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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty One - 22 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty One - 22 June 2023 - Page 2

End of despised ...

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The accumulated experience of over four decades of perpetrating acts of terror and betrayal against the Iranian people was not something that could be erased or disregarded through democratic gestures, claims of upholding human rights, or victim playing by anyone who was well-informed about the MKO’s track record.
It appears that the expiration date has finally come for certain European and American governments regarding their association with the MKO. For the first time in 15 years, the French government, which had been the organization’s main political sanctuary and headquarters, refused to grant them permission for their annual gathering in Paris. Another noteworthy development occurred when Albanian police carried out an operation against the organization’s camp near Tirana on Tuesday, in accordance with a ruling by the Supreme Court on organized crime, specifically terrorism. The clash between police and the organization’s members ensued due to the resistance put forth by the MKO members.
In an official statement, the Albanian Ministry of Interior announced the police operation was carried out due to the group’s violation of the agreements and commitments made in 2014. Back in 2014, the MKO agreed to settle in Albania solely for humanitarian purposes and avoid engaging in any other activities. However, the group failed to fulfill its obligations and breached the agreement. According to a reliable security source cited by the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency (IRNA), two members of the terrorist group were killed, 36 were wounded, and 70 were arrested during the raid. Additionally, the spokesperson for the US State Department released a statement expressing support for the Albanian government’s right to investigate potential illegal activities taking place within its territory.
The recent events in France and Albania, which have taken a stance against the MKO, along with the implicit endorsement from the US State Department regarding the Albanian government’s actions, appear to be significant pieces of the puzzle that contribute to the downfall of Rajavi’s terrorists. The rejected terrorists no longer hold appeal for their once-supportive entities. However, one must question whether it had to take 40 years to reach this point. It seems that the political games played by certain Western governments, utilizing criminals as leverage against the Islamic Republic, required giving them a 40-year window to carry out assassinations. Otherwise, the fate of the MKO in Iran could have been anticipated as early as June 20, 1981, marking the year when their destiny was sealed with the label of “void.”
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