Tehran, Tashkent agree on energy roadmap

A roadmap for cooperation between Iran and Uzbekistan in oil, gas, and petrochemical industry was outlined in Tehran on Monday.
During the visit of Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and his accompanying delegation to Tehran, the two sides prepared the roadmap to implement a memorandum of understanding (MoU) the two countries signed on September 14, 2022, Shana reported.
Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister for International Affairs and Trade Ahmad Asadzadeh and Uzbekistan’s First Deputy Minister of Energy Azim Akhmedkhadjaev explored all avenues to remove obstacles in the way of the memorandum.
The two officials also discussed cooperation in downstream and upstream sectors of the oil and gas industry, as well as scientific and training programs, deciding to form a joint working group to follow up on the agreements reached between the two countries’ ministries of oil and energy on bilateral oil, gas and petrochemical cooperation.
A joint statement and 10 cooperation documents were signed between the two countries in the presence of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi and his Uzbek counterpart Mirziyoyev on Sunday.

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