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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventeen - 18 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Seventeen - 18 June 2023 - Page 3

Palestinian resistance leading to Israel’s downfall: Iran’s SNSC

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Akbar Ahmadian said the proliferation of resistance cells across Palestine will bring about the collapse of Israel.
In a meeting with Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad movement Ziad al-Nakhala, held in Tehran on Saturday, Ahmadian applauded the Palestinian people and resistance groups’ unparalleled perseverance in the struggle against Israel, Tasnim news agency reported.
“The cause of the Palestinian nation and the liberation of the holy Al-Quds from the control of the occupying Zionist regime will materialize only through resistance,” Ahmadian said.
Reaffirming Tehran’s support for the Palestinian people, the Iranian official described support for the Palestinian nation and resistance groups as a pillar of Iran’s policies.
He called on the Palestinian resistance groups to join hands and remain vigilant to thwart the Zionist enemy’s plots, saying that regional countries must learn lessons from the developments of the recent decades and bear in mind that normalization of ties with Israel will result in the loss of social assets in the Arab and Islamic world and harm their national security.
For his part, Nakhala expressed gratitude to Iran for its unwavering and effective support for Palestine and briefed Ahmadian on the latest developments in the Palestinian territories and the West Bank, as well as the resistance groups’ victory against

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