AEOI: Iran reactivates 10 IAEA cameras at Natanz nuclear site

The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said some 10 cameras of the UN nuclear watchdog have been reactivated at a centrifuge manufacturing site in the central province of Isfahan, as the two sides boost cooperation to resolve their differences.
Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Behrouz Kamalvandi said the cameras had been reactivated as part of a deal with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), but the data recorded on the camera would not be handed over until a final agreement is reached, Iran Front Page reported.
Kamalvandi said 29 cameras and the agency’s devices were removed, and according to the agreement, about 10 cameras were reactivated in Natanz.
Commenting about the agency’s Israeli-inspired claims about what it calls nuclear activities at “undeclared” sites, Kamalvandi said the IAEA has no more questions about two of those sites.
He said that Western states were trying to rid Iran of its capabilities in nuclear technology, but to no avail.
“Iran’s nuclear infrastructure, such as enrichment areas, heavy water, etc., has made great progress,” he said.


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