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Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fourteen - 14 June 2023
Iran Daily - Number Seven Thousand Three Hundred and Fourteen - 14 June 2023 - Page 7

A small investment of time with a big reward for everyone

By Ali Amiri
Staff writer
World Blood Donor Day, an annual event celebrated on June 14, aims to raise awareness about the importance of blood and plasma donation and express gratitude to voluntary, unpaid blood donors who are so generous with their life-saving gifts. The day was established by the World Health Assembly in 2005, and over time, this global event has become a major focus for action towards achieving universal access to safe blood. The slogan for the 2023 World Blood Donor Day campaign is “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often."
Speaking to ISNA on the occasion, the head of Tehran Province Blood Transfusion, Dr. Montazer Shabbar, related the history of the establishment of the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization. Pointing out that the recorded history of blood transfusion in Iran dates back to the mid-1940s, he said, “Indeed, during that era, the nascent field of blood transfusion medicine and the pervasive unfamiliarity with this notion among the general populace made procuring blood from volunteers for patient administration a challenging endeavor. Persuading individuals to contribute blood largely hinged on the physician’s initiative."
He further elaborated that gradually, as the critical significance of blood transfusion in preserving patients’ lives and the escalation of blood requisitions in medical facilities gained recognition, obtaining blood from volunteers proved insufficient to satisfy patient demands. “Consequently, the sole recourse was to offer monetary compensation in exchange for blood donations. Enterprises that purchased blood from individuals for nominal sums and retailed it at exorbitant prices to hospitals and medical centers began to flourish."
In such circumstances, it was evident that the clientele of these enterprises predominantly comprised economically disadvantaged individuals, particularly addicts and homeless persons, resulting in minimal oversight regarding the health and quality of the blood. Dr. Shabbar then underscored, “In light of the issues and complications stemming from the multiplicity of blood transfusion custodians, the profit-seeking activities of private enterprises, and the preliminary blueprint for the establishment of an autonomous organization to streamline the blood supply system and blood products was conceived. Ultimately, the Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization was inaugurated on July 31, 1974."
Negin Naamavari, 32, a “servant in white” as she calls herself, told an Iran Daily reporter that “Blood donation is vital because it saves lives. Every day, hospitals and medical facilities need blood for various reasons, such as surgeries, cancer treatments, and trauma care.” She points out that donated blood is a lifeline for patients in need, and a single donation can potentially save up to three lives.
Dr. Naamavari then explained the process as being simple and safe, saying, “It involves four steps: registration, medical history and mini-physical, donation, and refreshments.” As it happens, donors first register and provide some basic information. Next, they undergo a mini-physical and answer questions about their medical history to ensure they’re eligible to donate. Then, the actual blood donation takes place, which usually takes about 10 minutes. Finally, donors are given refreshments to help them recover and replenish their energy.
In response to a question about the side effects of blood donation, she replied, “Blood donation is actually a safe process, and the risks are minimal. Some donors may experience mild side effects like dizziness, lightheadedness, or bruising at the needle site – nothing serious.” And even these side effects are usually short-lived and can be managed with proper aftercare.
On World Blood Donor Day, let us all be reminded that blood donation is a simple, safe, and selfless act that can save lives. It is in everyone’s best interest – who is also eligible – to consider donating blood regularly. “It’s a small investment of time that can make a significant impact on someone else’s life,” she said.


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